HAIRSPRAY 2020 has been cancelled...but the show must go on!

Statement from LAMS Committee:
It is with a very heavy heart we here at LAMS have to announce the cancellation of our upcoming September 2020 performance of “Hairspray!”
This was due to several factors such as the ongoing covid 19 virus affecting the safety of our cast during any possible rehersals and performance as well as the safety and experience of you our audience. The recent changes to the criteria for qualification to atain the rights to perform the show have also, understandably, changed and we are not in a position to cast the show in the authentic manner required.
This was a sad and difficult decision for our committee to make especially having only been 3 nights away from our opening night back in March and having put in so much work and time. However disappointing this may be we feel that this is the right decision to make.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank everyone involved onstage, offstage and you our audience and supporters for all the dedication and support shown in the lead up to March and through the lockdown period.
We hope to be in a position to showcase the amazing talent of our club in March 2021. So please give us a like/follow on our facebook page and Instagram for future exciting updates. We can’t wait to perform to you all again soon.
To those of you who had purchased tickets for Hairspray the Memorial Hall Box Office is currently closed due to the current Covid 19 situation but they will be in touch with everyone who has purchased tickets in due course. We ask you to please be patient and understanding while they work through contacting everyone to issue refunds as soon as they are able to.
Thank you again to everyone for your continued support we hope you continue to support LAMS and look forward to seeing you and doing what we do best “Putting on a showstopper of a show” sooner rather than later.
LAMS committee.